Centre Philosophy

Centre Philosophy

At Busy Bees Early Childhood Centre believe that a child’s first five years is a unique and valuable stage of life where immense learning and development is acquired through play and educational guidance.  Our desire is that you and your child experience the happiness and enjoyment we will provide throughout our family–centre partnership.

We will always provide developmentally appropriate activities and a safe and nurturing environment that will enhance each child’s independence, strengths, competence and self-esteem.  We believe positive relationships between staff, children and parents is valuable and positive attitudes towards differences in gender, race, religion, culture and ability are modelled.

Busy Bees Early Childhood Centre believes……

Centre Philosophy Continued…

  • Play is about relationships – to materials and people, and the world/ environment around them.
  • Children learn best through “hands on” experiences.
  • Learning needs to be sequenced from the known to the unknown, from simple to complex activities.
  • Children learn best when they feel valued and respected, are listened and responded to.
  • Educators embed the practices and principles of the EYLF into their practices. It helps design to extend and enrich children learning. It supports and provides guidance for educators in order to ensure children experience quality teaching and learning with specific emphasis on play-based learning.
  • Intentional Teaching
  • Holistic Approach

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To support this, the following statements outline Busy Bees’ philosophy towards providing a high quality child care and early learning environment.

Our responsibilities to you and your child are the following:

  • To provide a commitment to effective communication between all persons.
  • To provide a commitment to value the unique contribution each individual makes to the fabric of the centre.
  • To provide a commitment to high quality children’s services which values and supports the principles of early childhood education and creates a positive and rewarding environment for those who work at, and who are in care at the centre.
  • To provide a service that meets the differing needs of the surrounding community.
  • To provide a caring, supportive, home-like environment that reflects individual and cultural diversity for everyone at the centre.
  • To ensure that the program is educationally catering for individual needs and developmental levels of the children.
  • To encourage as much family involvement as possible.
  • To foster a team approach where all staff are respected as individuals as well as valued as part of the Busy Bees team.
  • To provide a stimulating environment to encourage creativity, exploration and investigation across all areas.
  • To develop and maintain a child-centric environment
  • To assess and develop the physical, social, emotional, language and intellectual skills at each child’s individual level.
  • To treat all children equal, regardless of sex, colour, race, religion or ability.
  • To encourage children to show initiative, creativity and individuality.
  • To promote the self expression for all children.
  • To ensure that children develop and/or maintain a positive self image.
  • To encourage children to respect the rights of others.
  • To provide inclusion for all children with additional needs – be they physical, emotional, developmental, or cultural.


Statutory considerations & Legislations  
  Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010: 3
  Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011:
  National Quality Standards: 1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7
  ECA Code of Ethics
  United Nations Convention Rights of the Child 1989
  Early Years Learning Framework
Policy Reviewed Date: January 2015Review conducted by management, employees, parents and any interested parties.

Philosophy developed in consultation with families, management, early childhood educators and child development theories/theorists combined.

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